Self-help sessions and book | Bite Your Bullet
Call your shots
There are times in all our lives that we find ourselves plagued by doubt. A lack of confidence can hold you back from embracing everything that life has to offer. Whether that is a new job opportunity, a romantic connection, or a long-term life goal. With Bite Your Bullet we have a range of ways to help people build their confidence and embrace their true selves. Our eponymous self-help book, Bite Your Bullet: Call The Shots, is a guide to starting your journey of self-discovery. Not only that, we have life coaching sessions and consultancy services to find other avenues of personal growth.
Are you ready for change? Then you need to Bite Your Bullet: Call The Shots. Written by Vijay Luhar of London.

Life coaching
In our life coaching sessions, we can help you discover practical techniques to improve your life. We can help you find ways to build confidence in yourself, in relationships, and in dating. Through our innovative sessions we can help you manage stress and anger, as well as find ways to achieve your life goals.

Self-help book
With Bite Your Bullet: Call The Shots, you can start your journey of self-discovery. Within its pages you will find ways to build your confidence and embrace your true power. Open your mind to new possibilities and start living authentically. Bite Your Bullet: Call The Shots is available on Amazon and at Waterstones bookshops.

We also offer consultancy services to SME's in Harrow and throughout London. Video calls are also available to those outside of London. To ensure you're getting the most out of your employees, and to enable them to be their best selves, get in touch for more information.
Vijay Luhar
Vijay Luhar has crafted his skills over a period of 20 years. His dramatic birth involving medical staff running around in a panic was something that caused quite the stir with his family. It seems from birth he has been able to get through any dramatic moments. Through his childhood is where he developed a winning mentality of wanting to be the best.
Suffering from eczema and asthma as a child he was wise not to follow doctor's orders in the sense of 'taking it easy' when it came to physical activity.
His fitness levels have always been a priority, and as such have exceeded what anyone thought he was capable of. Turning a negative into a strength, he used his asthma as an indicator of how fit he was. He refused to believe medical orders and grew up his way: being sporty and athletic. This included taking part in karate, boxing, football, Taekwondo, half marathons and even running his own marathon. He calls himself the 'Bullet Proof Man.'
Wanting to be a leader from a young age has inspired him to want to carry this into his adult years. As a teenager Vijay experienced a range of emotions and stresses which others would usually experience only in their adult years. This growing up fast element is something that has crafted his mindset to always get through any struggles one may face.
A firm believer in looking after the body to master the mind is something he owes his success to. When speaking of the body, Vijay does not mean having to be a super athlete, but more so the nutrition we put into our body and the fresh energy different foods give us. The workings of the body like a machine is what creates the balanced mind.
Being a leader in his teenage years and then leading in his work places has allowed Vijay to grow up fast and adapt to a range of personalities. Managing age ranges from 16-75 has exposed Vijay to how to motivate team members by giving them respect.
In his later years, he discovered meditation and cleared traumas which allowed him to excel as a balanced individual. Living life in flow state is the gift he can give to the world and aims to encourage all to Bite their Bullet to feel ultimate freedom and extreme confidence.
Being exposed from an early age to dramatic events in his life, he has been able to craft a winning mentality and channel that energy into succeeding and achieving.
More importantly, he has developed a feeling of empathy for humankind in general by learning from his own mistakes and those of others. The key to living a fulfilled life is learning from experiences and growing from them.
Growth is the natural state of all living beings. Whether it be a plant/flower, animal or human. We all want to grow. It is the innate power within.
Leading teams in 9 companies and having great results in each of them has separated his ability from the rest on a consistent basis. This common trait in each company he has worked for inspired his confidence in writing his book, Bite Your Bullet: Call The Shots.
Having never thought or dreamt in his life that he would ever become an author, this is something where he pushed himself right out of his comfort zone. Developing and crafting the book theme took almost 3 years in total, and Vijay insisted on including many different dimensions of his life.
'Bite Your Bullet' is the motto Vijay lives by, and he believes anyone can feel this element of bravery and freedom to live up to your authentic self and not have to put on a show for anyone.
Join the journey of Bite Your Bullet.
Bite Your Bullet: Call The Shots is available to purchase through Amazon and Waterstones - order your copy today!
Find new ways to build confidence with Bite Your Bullet self-help sessions and book. Get in touch on 07960 405365.
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